Plan With Me: September 7th-13th

Welcome to another edition of Plan With Me. This week is all about football since the season officially starts September 10th. Yes! Football season is finally, OFFICIALLY here. Before I get into this weeks layout, I wanted to share some planner goodies that I received in a swap as a member of the Happy Planner Facebook group and the real inspiration behind this weeks layout.

IMG_2073IMG_2065I love the borders that are football themed and they are from the Recollections line at Michaels. I was really excited to receive them and since they’re adhesive, no glue was really required for me to use them. Well, I still had to use glue since I peeled up the banners to apply my washi. I also layered the banners and I love the way it turned out. It took me longer than usual to plan since I had no stickers laid out like I usually do. Below are close-ups of the layout along with direct links to stickers used. Be sure to give this plan with me a thumbs up, follow my YouTube channel if you haven’t already, and enjoy my planner playlist. Enjoy!

IMG_2074IMG_2075IMG_2077Stickers Used:

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